March 22, 2008

He Is Risen!

Night has fallen over the earth.

Darkness sweeps across the world.

But the Faithful have hope that all the powers of evil cannot ever take away.

For they know that the Son has risen...

He Is Risen Indeed!


  1. Hi Raora! Hope you had a great Easter! Oh, by the way I'm going to visit my Aunt in April, in Texas and who knows! Maybe we'll see each other! I mean, Texas is a HUGE state but you never know! That was my favorite part too! He made me laugh (chuckle, giggle, ect. ect. ect.)

    P.S. i'm glad you'll be commenting! i get to have a blogger friend!


  2. LOL, you got that right. Something's got to be wrong with the governor if he thinks anything good is going to come out of this.

    So do you like it better in America then over there in that muslim country?


  3. Beautiful... both the pictures and the words!

  4. Hello there! I resent my email, so let me know if you get it this time.

    The pictures you posted are beautiful! He has indeed risen and triumphant over death! :)

