January 3, 2008

The Winds

North Wind of the Northern Storm
Sounding the Northern battle-horn
Where are the Warriors of the Sky
Who went to the battle field to die
And fell beneath their banner, high?
Beautiful, terrible, men of pride
They were the Sons of the Sunrise

West Wind of the Sacred Sea
Swift and wild, fair and free
Where are the children who came to thee
In their white vessels, light and fleet
Who lie now awake in your bosom deep
And wait for those who have fallen asleep?
They were the Sons of the Seven Seas.

South Wind of the Holy Hill
Whispering through the forests still
Where is the Holy Tree of Light
That cast its silver radiance white
And with its shining rays, bright
Illuminated the silent night
And gathered the Faithful one last time?

East Wind of the Silver Star
Cold and distant, bright and far
Who watched the Sunrise go to War
And saw the Sons of the Seven Seas
And pierced the vast eternal dark
And shone on the Hill of the Holy Tree
Everlasting, Silver Star.

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